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Weapons Workshop

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Come along to our monthly weapons workshop.

Weapons training is an intrinsic part of your tai chi and kung fu training. Improve your skill levels, increase flexibility, strength, stamina, coordination, balance, fitness, move more efficiently… absorb yourself in the traditional martial arts and have fun!

Tai chi students start their training with the cane and progress to fan, twin fan, straight sword, broadsword.

All students are welcome to learn the staff (basic exercises and forms), followed by other long weapons – spear and trident, more swords – Weijia broadsword, dadao, and other weapons such as the double daggers and Shaolin water carrier.

This is for new weapons students as well as those who have been training previously. You do need to be already training with WCA in tai chi, kung fu, or kickboxing classes to attend.

There are only 10 places available. To secure your place, please book well in advance.